Feb 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Tuition & Fees



Residency Cost
Resident of Cecil County $135.00/credit hour
Other Maryland Residents $250.00/credit hour
Out-of-State Residents $308.00/credit hour

Credit by examination costs vary and are based on residency.


Fee Cost
Course Fee Variable
Consolidated Fee $21.00/credit hour
Student Development Fee1 $8.00/credit hour
Payment Plan Fee $15.00/semester
First Day Complete Fee (Barnes & Noble Book Rentals) $24.00/credit hour

1 Not charged for summer session or senior citizens

Additional Information

  • All tuition and fees are subject to change without prior notice.
  • Students who audit courses are charged tuition at the same rate as students taking courses for credit.
  • Payment is expected at the time of registration. Students must pay in full or sign up for the payment plan. Students receiving Financial Aid must also use the payment plan if awarded amounts do not fully cover the student balance.
  • Course fees partially offset costs to provide various classroom materials and equipment, including instructional equipment, lab and classroom supplies, computer paper, and software.
  • By registering for courses, students acknowledge responsibility of tuition and fee charges generated by the registration.
  • VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards will be accepted for payment through the student portal.
  • Current tuition and fee information is published in the credit course schedule. All tuition and fees are subject to change without prior notice

Fee Explanations

Course Fee

Offsets costs to provide various classroom materials and equipment needed to successfully offer classes, including instructional equipment, lab and classroom supplies, computer paper and software.

Consolidated Fee

Covers the cost of registration, add/drop and withdrawal from courses, student identification cards, admissions, transcripts, and graduation.

Student Development Fee

Covers expenses incurred for student development activities, the use of physical education facilities and equipment, and cultural events discounts open to the student population.

First Day Complete Program

A course material model that may lower the cost of materials for students and ensures students have access to all of their required course material on or before the first day of class.

Authorized Payment Plan

The plan is payable in a maximum of four monthly installments, which vary depending on your application date, and is available for fall, spring, and summer semesters. The total of your tuition and fees will be divided into four monthly payments that will be automatically deducted from your credit card or from your bank account (checking or savings). The processing fee for this plan is $15.00 and this fee will be deducted from the designated account upon enrollment. All arrangements for this plan are handled through MyCecil and must be made the day you register or you will be responsible for paying the full balance of your account. You must have a minimum balance of $305.00 to be eligible for the payment plan.

To enroll in the Payment Plan:

  • Enroll online at MyCecil.
  • See a cashier or call (410) 287-1020 if you need help.

Refund and Appeal Process

Credit Students

Students who officially drop a credit class before the designated drop deadlines are eligible for a full refund of tuition and course fees. A schedule of deadline dates for dropping classes and receiving a refund of tuition and course fees is published in the credit course schedule. The drop period generally extends at least through the first scheduled class meeting.

To be eligible for a refund, students must drop online at MyCecil within published drop dates, or file a Drop Form with the Registration Office. Visit MyCecil to view dates and the drop procedure online. Students who stop attending classes, but do not officially complete the drop process continue to be financially responsible for all tuition and fees.

Students are provided a full refund of all tuition and associated fees when the College cancels a class.

Sessions of Four Weeks or Longer

100% refund through the date published in the credit course schedule, which is calculated from the start date of the session. 0% refund after the published date, except for students called to military duty or for students in special programs who are withdrawn by the College early in the semester due to program requirements.

Sessions of Less Than Four Weeks

0% refund from the start date of the session, with the exceptions noted above.

Non-Credit Students

Students who officially drop a course 24 hours prior to the first class meeting will be eligible to receive a full refund. To officially drop a course, students must complete a Drop Form and submit it to the Registration Office. If a Drop Form is not filed or if a student fails to attend, the student is responsible for all tuition and fees associated with the registration.

Tuition Appeals

After the refund date, appeals for refunds based on extraordinary or exceptional circumstances may be addressed in writing, with documentation, to the Registrar. Appeal for Refund forms are available in the Registration Office.

Financial Obligations

Students are expected to pay all College bills, fees, accounts, and other financial obligations promptly, when due. Failure to meet these obligations will result in the withholding of the right to future enrollment or taking exams.

Cecil College will not penalize a student while waiting for payment from the Department of Veterans Affairs. [38 U.S.C. 3679].

Residency and Tuition Policy

Students at Cecil College pay tuition according to their domicile and are classified to be one of the following:

  • a resident of Cecil County;
  • a resident of the state of Maryland but outside of Cecil County;
  • an out-of-state resident; or
  • a student who is not a U.S. citizen, or permanent U.S. resident not holding an Alien Registration Receipt Card.

At the time of admission or initial enrollment in any course at the College (credit or non-credit), students will indicate their residency status and will affirm their residency at each subsequent registration. Students will be considered in-county residents if they maintain legal domicile in Cecil County and have done so for a period of three months or more prior to the start of semester/term at the College.

Students will be considered in-state residents if they have maintained legal domicile in other parts of the state for not less than three months. Otherwise, the student shall be considered an out-of-state resident.


For tuition purposes, domicile may be defined as a person’s permanent place of abode, where physical presence and possessions are maintained and where he/she intends to remain indefinitely, independent of attendance at the College. The domicile of a person who received more than one-half of his/her financial support from others in the most recently completed year is the domicile of the person contributing the greatest proportion of support, without regard to whether the parties are related by blood or marriage.

Unless information is received which would contradict or call into question the validity of the student’s status, the College will accept the student’s sworn statement. In the case of contradictory information, the College will assign residency status, and the student will be asked to provide proof of domicile. Registration will be restricted until the question of residency status is resolved.

Determination of Residency

The College shall consider any or all of the following factors in determining residency and may request evidence for substantiation:

  • ownership or rental of local living quarters;
  • substantially uninterrupted physical presence, including the months when the student is not in attendance at the College;
  • maintenance in Maryland and in the county of all, or substantially all, of the student’s possessions;
  • payment of state and local income taxes on all taxable income earned, including all taxable income earned outside the state;
  • registration to vote in the state and county;
  • registration of a motor vehicle in the state, with a local address specified, if the student owns or uses such a vehicle; and
  • possession of a valid Maryland driver’s license with a local address specified, if the student is licensed anywhere to drive a motor vehicle.

Change of Residency Classification

Students may request a change in residency classification by filing a written request and submitting supporting documentation to the Registrar prior to the first day of classes for the semester/term. Students may appeal residency classifications made by the Registrar within 30 days by filing an appeal with the Vice President of Student Services and Institutional Effectiveness. The Vice President’s decision is final.

Military Personnel

Military personnel and their dependents who were domiciliaries of Maryland at the time of entrance into the armed forces and who are stationed outside the state may retain Maryland domicile as long as they do not establish domicile elsewhere.

Military personnel and their dependents, who were not domiciliaries of Maryland at the time of entrance into the armed forces, but are stationed in Maryland, may be considered state residents for tuition purposes as long as they remain on active duty in the state. In addition, those who are stationed in or live in Cecil County are considered county residents for tuition purposes.

Contract Training

Students enrolled in a course contracted between the College and a business or industry that maintains facilities operates, or does business in the state may be considered a resident of Maryland for tuition purposes. Students enrolled in a course contracted between the College and a business or industry that operates its business in Cecil County may be considered a county resident for tuition purposes.

Tuition for International Students

For non-U.S. citizens to be considered a Maryland resident for purposes of this policy, students shall possess the legal capacity under federal and state law to establish Maryland domicile.

All students with an F, B, or J visa status must pay out-of-state tuition. Consult with the Director of Records and Registration for other visa status.

Educational Tax Credits

The Hope Scholarship

The Federal Hope Scholarship is a tax credit available to eligible students during their first two years of post secondary education. For more information, please contact your local IRS office or visit the IRS website. Students must be enrolled at least half-time (six credits) in a degree or certificate program.

Lifetime Learning Credit

An individual paying qualified tuition and related expenses at a post secondary educational institution may claim the credit, provided the institution is an eligible educational institution. Unlike the Hope Scholarship Credit, students are not required to be enrolled at least half- time in one of the first two years of post secondary education. Nonresident aliens generally are not eligible to claim the Lifetime Learning Credit. For more information, please contact your local IRS office or visit the IRS website.

Waivers and Reductions

Cecil College will ensure full compliance with Sections 701 and 702 of the Choice Act, (2014), by granting a waiver of out-of-state tuition rates for Veterans and other “Covered Individuals” as defined by law.

Covered Individuals are defined as those receiving Montgomery and Post 9/11 GI Bill educational assistance; or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment benefits; and

  • A veteran that enrolls after serving 90 days or more on active duty; or
  • Anyone using transferred entitlement after transferee serving 90 days or more on active duty; or
  • Anyone using entitlement transferred from a current active duty service member; or
  • Surviving spouses or children under the Fry Scholarship; or
  • Individuals who remain continuously enrolled after initially meeting the requirements and are using Chapter 30 or 33


Eligibility: The VA School Certifying Official of Cecil College will determine eligibility for the tuition waiver and enrollment process as follows:

1. The potential student will meet with the Colleges Certifying Official and provide the necessary documentation for proof of residency.

2. The Certifying Official will sign a waiver form, have the student sign the form, and submit it to the Cashier’s Office for processing if a rate adjustment is required. Waivers will be kept on file for the current fiscal year plus one.

College Bound Scholarship

Cecil County Public Schools, as well as certain other pre-approved public and private high school students, and approved talented/gifted students who enroll in college-level credit courses at Cecil College may receive a 25 percent scholarship toward in-county tuition based on residency. To participate, high school juniors must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0. A grade point average of 2.5 is required for high school seniors for program eligibility. Students must meet all other Cecil College entrance requirements and must present an eligibility form signed by a parent and a high school principal or other designated authority. **CCPS Students please refer to the CCPS to CECIL Scholarship Eligibility Form.

CCPS to CECIL Scholarship Eligibility Form

The CCPS to CECIL dual enrollment scholarship form is for CCPS students who are enrolled in Cecil College classes that satisfy high school graduation requirements. The form must be completed and submitted to the Cecil College Registration Office prior to enrollment in classes. CCPS to CECIL Scholarship participants must meet the following requirements: be at least 16 years of age or approved for Gifted and Talented admissions; high school seniors must possess a 2.5 or above grade point average, all other students must possess a 3.0 or above grade point average; be verified by the high school as meeting the eligibility requirements. With this scholarship, Cecil pays 25% and CCPS covers the remaining 75% for specified courses.

Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver

Tuition and student development fee will be waived for Maryland residents 60 years and older enrolled in a course that has sufficient enrollment to be conducted. Seniors will be charged registration and course fees. Proof of age will be required at time of registration. Certain programs and courses available in continuing education (non-credit) are exempt from this waiver.

Social Security Disability Tuition Waiver

Tuition will be waived for disabled Maryland residents who meet the following criteria and receive verification of eligibility from the appropriate agency:

  • the student is a resident of Maryland;
  • the student has a permanent disability and is receiving a social security disability benefit, (SSDI) or supplemental security income, (SSI) as defined by the Social Security Act, Railroad Retirement Act, or the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, (Federal retirement or pension authority); and
  • the student must file a FAFSA each year by the specified deadline for all credit courses and specified non-credit courses (see financial aid section for deadlines).

In addition, the course must have ten (10) regularly enrolled students to be eligible. Eligible students will be charged consolidated, student development, first day complete, and course fees. Students are exempt from tuition payment for up to 12 credits per semester. Any student Financial Aid, other than a student loan, shall be applied first to pay the students tuition. The waiver will apply to the difference, if any, between the tuition charge and the financial aid award. In order to request a disability tuition waiver, students may obtain a form from the Director of Advising.

Maryland National Guard Tuition Waiver

Cecil College offers a tuition reduction of 50 percent of the in-county tuition rate for members of the MD National Guard. Maryland National Guard (MDNG) members must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • must officially enroll as a student of Cecil College;
  • must obtain State Tuition Waiver Letter from Adjutant General;
  • must have been certified by the Maryland Adjutant General that the member has at least 24 months remaining to serve or has agreed in writing to serve for a minimum of 24 months; and
  • must present to Accounts Receivable Manager a photocopy of his/her current military ID card;
  • Tuition reduction will be assessed at the percentage approved on the State Tuition Waiver Letter.
  • Students will be charged for the remaining tuition and fees.

All documentation must be presented to the Registrar or Accounts Receivable Manager to receive the tuition reduction.


1. Complete the application form for MDNG tuition waiver which is available in the Registration Office and Cashiers Office.
2. Obtain authorization from the Registrar or Accounts Receivable Manager.
3. Obtain signature of the Registrar or Accounts Receivable Manager for the tuition waiver form by presenting:
a. current military picture identification card, and
b. certification by the Maryland Adjutant General.
4. Return the Tuition Waiver form to the Registration Office and register for classes.
5. Present the Tuition Waiver form to the Cashier’s Office and pay the balance of tuition and fees.

Victims of Human Trafficking Tuition Waiver

In accordance with Annotated Code of Maryland, victims of Human Trafficking who reside in the State of Maryland shall receive a waiver for out-of-county tuition rates, upon receipt of approved application and residency status.


The Accounts Receivable (AR) Manager will determine eligibility for the tuition waiver enrollment process as follows:

  1. The student must officially enroll as a credit or non-credit student at Cecil College.
  2. A waiver application will be filed and signed by the eligible student. Supporting documentation shall contain evidence as outlined below and will be submitted with the waiver to the AR Manager for approval. Waivers will be kept on file for the current year plus one. Documentation shall be kept confidential and will become part of the student’s permanent record filed with records and registration of Cecil College.
    1. Evidence: Certified law enforcement, court, or other Federal, State, agency records or files; OR
    2. Evidence: Documentation from a human trafficking prevention or assistance program; OR
    3. Evidence: Documentation from a religious, medical, or other professional from whom the applicant has sought assistance or treatment as a victim of human trafficking.
  3. Waiver of residency requirement-3 month residency requirement is waived for students with approved application.
  4. Payment of Fees: For the purpose of calculating tuition rates: eligible students will be treated as in-county residents if place of residence is located within the State of Maryland. The adjusted tuition rate and all fees including, but not limited to, course fees and consolidated fees are the responsibility of the student and must be paid or secured by approved method at the time of registration to assure a seat in the course.
  5. Accounts Receivable Office will process a journal entry to the eligible student’s account after the designated drop/add period, which will reflect the adjustment for tuition.

Health Manpower Shortage Program

Cecil College participates in the Health Manpower Shortage Program, as approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission, in alignment with Maryland state law and consistent with fiscal policies within the College. This program enables out-of-county students to enroll at the College in credit courses that are required in a designated Health Manpower Shortage Program at in-county tuition rates under certain conditions.

The following programs are eligible:

  • Nursing
  • Licensed Practical Nursing


  1. The out-of-county (Maryland resident) student completes the application and enrollment process according to College policy and procedures.
  2. The out-of-county (Maryland resident) student is required to attend an advising session with the College’s pre-nursing advisor.
  3. The out-of-county (Maryland resident) student and advisor complete a “Special Agreement” Form in which the student enrolls.
  4. The out-of-county (Maryland resident) student will be required to pay the full amount of out-of-county tuition. Eligible students may receive a partial reimbursement of the tuition paid. This reimbursement is dependent upon the level of funding received from the state for that fiscal year. The reimbursement would be no greater than the difference between the student’s out-of-county and in-county tuition.

Tuition Reduction for Non-Resident Nursing Students

The Tuition Reduction for Non-Resident Nursing student assistance is to provide a reduction in tuition for out-of-state students who are enrolled in a nursing program. Eligible students will pay tuition based on the out-of-county rate.

Eligible programs

  • Nursing
  • Licensed Practical Nursing


  1. The out-of-state student completes the application and enrollment process according to College policy and procedures.
  2. The out-of-state student completes a specific application form and certification process of acceptance available through the Department of Nursing.
  3. The out-of-state student applies online using the MDCAPS system at http://mdcaps.mhec.state.md.us
  4. The out-of-state student signs a surety bond or promissory note with the Maryland State Scholarship Administration.
  5. The out-of-state student provides the Cashiers office with the MHEC letter of approval. The tuition reduction differential will be applied to eligible courses.

Maryland Foster Care Recipients

In accordance with the Maryland Higher Education Commission, Cecil College offers foster care recipients tuition waivers for those who resided in a foster care home at the time of graduation from high school or who have successfully completed a GED exam. Upon meeting eligibility requirements, the student is exempt from paying tuition and mandatory fees minus any grants and scholarships. Students must comply with all other Cecil College entrance requirements and must present a confirmation of waiver approval from the State Department of Human Resources, and complete the FAFSA application available online at fafsa.ed.gov. Applicants must apply between January 1 and March 1 of each year.

Tuition Rates for Employees of Cecil County Businesses

Employees of Cecil County Businesses that register for credit courses and state-approved non-credit courses may be eligible to receive in-county rates as long as the local business reimburses the student or directly pays Cecil College.


  1. Upon completing registration, the student must provide a letter to the Cashier’s Office which states the student’s name, active status of employment, and date which employment began. (Student’s must be employed prior to registration of courses). The letter must be written on company letterhead, signed by a company official, and must include the company phone number.
  2. If the company is paying for the student’s tuition, the letter must state the amount that will be covered and indicate whether the student must meet certain requirements in order to receive the educational assistance. Letters that contain requirements, such as a grade stipulation clause, will not be used to hold students in class. Students providing a letter that contains a stipulation will be asked to pay their balance upon registration. Any student using their employer as a source of payment should be aware that they will personally be held responsible for paying their account in full if the employer chooses not to pay.
  3. The letter must state that the student is to be reimbursed directly if the company is not paying Cecil College. Students will need to pay their charges upon registration and wait for reimbursement from the employer.
  4. Each letter must contain the following information1: student name, employment status/date, course number(s) and course title(s), start date of course(s). This detailed information is not necessary if the employer states they will pay for any and all courses taken during a semester with no stipulations.

Statewide Instructional Programs

Maryland residents may attend Cecil College at in-county tuition rates in programs that have been approved and designated as statewide programs by the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

The following programs are eligible:

  • Psychology Associate Degree
  • Social Work Associate Degree
  • Supply Chain Management Degree
  • Visual Communications Degree


  1. Complete the admissions and enrollment process according to College policy and procedures.
  2. Complete the registration process with an advisor and complete the Special Agreement Form at the time of registration for each semester.
  3. Provide documentation from his/her local community college if the program is unavailable due to the program meeting or exceeding enrollment capacity, if applicable.